Know Before you Go – Punda Maria
This is certainly not a camp that you will easily be able to get to as a southern Kruger day visitor, but for those headed north for a couple of days, Punda Maria offers an unforgettable stay and the [...]
This is certainly not a camp that you will easily be able to get to as a southern Kruger day visitor, but for those headed north for a couple of days, Punda Maria offers an unforgettable stay and the [...]
On the western side of the Kruger National Park, just as you drive through the Orpen gate, lies a quiet rest camp that only those visiting from that side and those planning to spend many days in the park [...]
A rest camp situated at about the halfway mark of the Kruger National Park, Satara is a place that many people have quickly fallen in love with. Incredibly rustic, and well known for its nearby lion prides, Satara is [...]